![[email]](graphics/edgraphics/EdButton7.gif) ![[voice link]](graphics/edgraphics/EdButton5.gif) ![[myth link]](graphics/edgraphics/EdButton4.gif) ![[scrapbook link]](graphics/edgraphics/EdButton3.gif)
![[Title Graphic]](graphics/edgraphics/EdTitle1.gif)
If you've
come here looking for the real story on how
they got the horse to talk or the "Pretty
Little Filly" sound byte, you're in the right
place. I've also added the Famous Mister Ed's follow
up hit The Empty Feed Bag Blues.
If you're looking for a more comprehensive site, that
would be Mister
Ed Online and if you're looking for more information
on the lovely and talented Alan Young, he's got his
very own website at http://www.mister-ed.tv.
Young has written a new book called There's
No Business Like Show Business... Was. You
can get the book from Amazon
or at Mr. Young's website
where you can also get it autographed. He's also updated
his delightful autobiography Mister Ed and Me.
The new version, Mister
Ed and Me and More! will be available in
July and once again if you order it through his website
and give him a little extra cash he'll autograph it.

a little late for the holidays, but there's
always next year. These two episodes, "Ed
the Pilgrim" and "Ed's Christmas
Story," were recorded off of broadacst
TV. Chances are cuts were made before they
aired. This DVD isn't professional, but it
looks pretty good. Commercial Free. Black
and White. Click on the "buy now"
button below if you'd like to pay using a
credit card and Paypal. Email
me if you want to use a check or money
order to get your own copy of Mister Ed's
Holiday Favorites. $12.00
including postage.
I also
have the original Mr. Ed pilot epsiode, Wilbur
Pope and Mister Ed. I'm not going to lie to you:
it's terrible, charmless and bizarre... and not in
a good way. Nevertheless, it's a piece of Mister Ed
history and it's yours for $12.00, fuzzy picture and
all. It does includes some awesome vintage Studebaker
Ed Unplugged
CD includes new recordings of the Mr Ed Theme
Song, The Pretty Little Filly, and Empty Feedbag
Blues, from the episodes, Ed the Songwriter,
and Mister Ed's Blues, respectively. The two
songs, featured along with the theme song, are
longer versions, and are the only recordings
that exist of the original compositions. All
three songs are true to the original versions,
both vocally and instrumentally. You can listen
to samples and download the order form on the
Records website. |
My Show, a pop culture podcast, recently did an
interview with Alan Young.

is currently not showing Mister Ed. Apparently they
don't love our little horsey any more. Email them
at postmaster@tvland.com,
if you'd like to tell them how bitter you are about
In the
category of favorite Pet/Human Relationship Alan Young
and Mr. Ed won for Mister Ed at the 2005
TV Land awards held on March 13, 2005.
Ed and I were delighted to be honored by the TV Land
Awards Show this year," Alan said on his website.
"We were voted the best show in our category,
and were given the TV Land statuette. It will be placed
in Ed's barn, of course, alongside his four Patsy
awards. But I'm sure I'll get to to look at them now
and again!"
Young was interviewed in 2004
for the show biz industry web site Film
Stew.com. He talks about Mister Ed and his new,
still-not-widely-released film Moondance
(fomerly known as Em and Me.)

January 13, 2004
Ed - Volume I
Episode 1: "Ed, The First Meeting"
Episode 15: "Ed, the Songwriter"
Episode 17: "Psychoanalyst Show"
Episode 24: "Wilbur Sells Ed"
Episode 28: "The Horsetronaut"
Episode 31: "Ed's Ancestors"
Episode 35: "Mister Ed's Blues"
Episode 38: "Zsa Zsa"
Episode 39: "Ed, the Beneficiary"
Episode 40: "Ed's Bed"
Episode 43: "Horse Wash"
Episode 45: "Ed, the Beachcomber"
Episode 46: "George Burns Meets Mister Ed"
Episode 51: "Clint Eastwood Meets Mister Ed"
Episode 61: "Horse Sense"
Episode 63: "Wilbur, the Masher"
Episode 75: "Ed, the Emancipator"
Episode 76: "The Price of Apples"
Episode 77: "Doctor Ed"
Episode 78: "Ed, the Zebra"
Episode 79: "Wilbur Post, Honorary Horse"


March 8, 2005
Ed - Volume II
Episode 91: "Ed Gets The Mumps"
Episode 97: "Ed Visits A Gypsy"
Episode 100: "Ed, the Chauffeur"
Episode 96: "Ed, the Donkey"
Episode 102: "Mae West Meets Mister Ed"
Episode 107: "Mister Ed Writes Dear Abby"
Episode 115: "Like Father, Like Horse"
Episode 113: "Ed, the Race Horse"
Episode 110: "Ed, the Pilot"
Episode 116: "Ed, the Stowaway"
Episode 111: Animal Jury
Episode 114: "Ed's Juice Stand"
Episode 121: "Ed's Contact Lenses"
Episode 124: "The Bank Robbery"
Episode 125: "My Horse, the Mailman"
Episode 127: "Robin Hood Ed"
Episode 128: "Ed, the Artist"
Episode 132 "Ed a Go-Go"
Episode 133: "Coldfinger"
Episode 134: "Ed Breaks the Hip Code"
recommend placing your order for these DVD with Amazon.com.
They've got a good price and you get free shipping.
Although I'd prefer that they release Mister Ed
season by season, of course (of course), these really
are great compilations. FYI: Disk one in the set is
two sided. You've got to turn it over to see them all.
the link to MGM
Home Entertainment if you'd like to give them any
feedback on the DVD or suggest they release every episode.
Century Fox put together a remake of Mister Ed. They
got their Wilbur (David Alan Basche) and their Carol
(Sherilyn Fenn) and the New Voice of Ed, Sherman Hemsley.
No word on who was going to play the actual horse. The
pilot was never picked-up by any network and at this
point it looks to be dead in the water. Oh, well...
it's probably for the best.
![[animated Ed]](graphics/edgraphics/anmshermaned.gif)
Ed... or Mr. Jefferson?
Ed Theme Song
I'm Mister Ed
A horse
is a horse of course of course
And no one can talk to a horse of course
that is of course unless the horse
is the famous Mister Ed
Go right to the source and ask the horse
he'll give you the answer that you endorse
He's always on a steady course
talk to Mister Ed
yakkety yak a streak
and waste your time of day
but Mister Ed will never speak
unless he has something to say
A horse is a horse of course of course
and this one will talk till his voice is hoarse
You never heard of a talking horse?
Well, listen to this I am Mister Ed!
Words and Music by Ray
Evans and Jay Livingston
Vocals by Jay Livingston
![[Evans and Livingston]](graphics/edgraphics/LivingstonEvans.jpg)
and Livingston

the fact that he never received a screen credit during
the run of Mister Ed (or in reruns, for that matter),
"Rocky" Lane (1909-1973) is probably now
best known for providing the gruff and loveable voice
of television's only talking horse. He was also the
star of the short lived TV show Red Ryder (1956) and
a few dozen western films, in which he invariably played
the rugged, two-fisted, law abiding hero.
"Rocky" Lane
you haven't got this book yet, Why not? Click above
to order it from
Alan Young's official website. He'll even autograph
"Rocky" Lane (yes, I just like to use his
whole name) was at first none too happy about stooping
(cinematically speaking) to do voice over for a horse,
hence his lack of an official credit. His surly attitude
was unappreciated, but not unnoticed, by the Mister
Ed producers. Apparently after three years, as recounted
in Alan Young's charming and informative Mister
Ed and Me, they'd had enough.
guess Rocky had stepped on about as many toes as the
weather would bear," Young remembers. "I was
called into the studio and was told that unless I had
strong objections the producers were going to replace
Rocky as the voice of Mr. Ed. I could not object with
any conviction as, while he had not been deliberartely
mean, Rocky had irritated everyone certainly and consistently,
including me.
two or three days I read with every top voice in the
business. We made recordings and the producers and
I sat listening for hours. They were all great and
read dramatically and convincingly, but no one sounded
like Ed."We finally all had to admit that Rocky
was Ed, and Ed was Rocky. Separating them would be
a tragic, perhaps fatal mistake."
"Rocky" Lane did eventually ask to be credited,
but by then it was already well established that Mr.
Ed was played by "himself" and the producers
were unwilling to disillusion the fans who thought
the horse really talked (mostly children, one hopes.)
Rocky settled for a raise.
an eye out for Allan "Rocky" Lane if you
get the Encore
Western Channel. Although he's not currently their
star of month, some of his films will undoubtedly
turn up again.

Ed was a two hit wonder with the cheerful little ditty
"Pretty Little Filly" and the heartfelt
number "The Empty Feedbag Blues." Since
Allan "Rocky" Lane was one of the few cowboy
stars who couldn't warble a tune, Ed's impressive
singing voice was instead provided by Sheldon
![[Sheldon Allman]](graphics/edgraphics/Allman_Sheldon.jpg)
Allman was a graduate of the Los Angeles Conservatory
of Music and distinguished composer of the immortal
theme to"George of the Jungle". Mr. Allman,
who also wrote both of Ed's songs, was a prolific
character actor as well as a singer/songwriter.
Click here to listen to"Pretty Little Filly."
(Thanks for the donation, Abbedd!)
here are the lyrics in case you want to sing along...
and you know you do.
a date a little later
when the moon is on the trail
with the cutest triple gaiter
my pretty little filly with the pony tail
Got a bag of oats to call with
Hay I'll bring her by the bale
want to share a double stall with
the pretty little filly with the pony tail
Gee, if she would just agree
she'd be mine today
but no matter when I ask
the answer's always "neigh neigh neigh neigh"
If she'd name that day of wedlock
I would be there without fail
Got the ring made for her fetlock
the pretty little filly with the pony tail!
here to get the "The Empty Feed Bag Blues"
lyrics and vocals by Sheldon Allman
I get up for breakfast
There's no oats in the the bin
Cause every thing is going out
and nothin's comin' in
me when I tell you
I have heard the news
I got those empty feed bag
empty feed bag blues
pretty filly told me
to stay away tonight
cause all that I bring with me
is a healthy appetite
am I so unlucky
me with four horse shoes
I got those empty feed bag
empty feed bag blues
realize it's not possible, or just a pain in the neck,
for some netizens to download these songs. So I went
ahead and put them in CD format for those unfortunate
souls. If you'd like to use a credit card (via paypal)
and order one, click on the "buy now" button
below. It's $10.00 including postage. If you want
to use a check or money order email
me for details. |

Did They Get Ed to Move His Lips?
![[Ed Talks]](graphics/edgraphics/MisterEd10.jpg)
No, not wires. Not phonics. Not electric shocks.
And no, it wasn't peanut butter either. "I
created the lie that we used peanut butter,"
Young said in a 1998 interview,
"but we used a soft piece of nylon under his
lip, which he tried to work out."
our second season, Ed was so adept at his lip movements
that as soon as he heard me stop talking, he would
start jawing," says Young in his autobiography.
"One day while Lester [Ed's trainer, Lester
Hilton] and I were riding and talking together,
Lester suddenly broke out laughing. 'Look at Ed,'
he pointed. 'His lips are moving.' Evidently Ed
was so used to responding to my voice that he was
joining in our conversation!"
Mister Ed Really a Zebra?
![[Ed on parade]](graphics/edgraphics/EdParade.jpg) ![[zebra]](graphics/edgraphics/zebra.jpg)
a site devoted to Urban Legends, facetiously recounts
the utterly ludicrous conspiracy
theory that suggests Mister Ed was played by a
Now, I'm not saying you'd have to be a complete idiot
to believe that a gorgeous Palimino like Ed was really
a zebra, but... Oh, wait... yes, I am.
Ed was, of course (of course), a horse originally
named Bamboo Harvester, foaled in 1949 in El Monte,
California. His sire was The Harvester, a Saddlebred
owned by Edna and Jim Fagan. His dam was Zetna, who
was sired by Antez, an Arabian imported from Poland.
[per the Palomino
Horse Association].

Mister Ed Top Ten List
Ten Ways To Tell If You're a Mister Ed Fan
10) You can say "Wilbur"
with just the right inflection
9) You know which Mister Ed scenes
were used in more than one episode
8) Actually somewhat surprised to hear the word
"sucks" in a sitcom
7) You know all the words to "Pretty Little
6) Heated debates over which were the best neighbors:
The Addisons or the Kirkwoods
(Naturally it was Kay and Roger. Wait... no, no.
It was Winnie and Gordon.)
5) Feel compelled to say 'of course' twice (of course)
4) You know the answer to the question, "What
can Carol do that Ed can't?"
....Sew, of course (of course)
3) Was a time in your life when you couldn't decide
between being an architect or being a horse
2) You know the Post's address and phone number
And the number one way to tell if you're a Mister
Ed fan
1) You're not surprised when your horse talks to
know I only talk to you, Wilbur." -- Mister
Mister Ed Fans Holler, but they don't hit
Few of My Other Pages

page is intended as a fan tribute to Mister Ed. I
am in no way associated with anyone who has anything
official to do with the series, including Viacom,
TVLand and Alan Young. Any copyright infringement
is done with the best of intentions. Anything which
happens to be original is copyright 2003-2009, by
me. There was once another Mister Ed Fun Page, but
I never saw it and it's no longer active. So I went
ahead and used the name.
![[horseshoe2]](graphics/edgraphics/horseshoe1.gif) |
